The Alchemy of Yellow

Yellow is Clarity of Vision 

The third color on our journey through the visible, spectral rainbow is YELLOW, inspiration filled with infinite possibilities! Red, orange and YELLOW are called magnetic colors because they are warming, stimulating, energizing and activating. Although still warming, YELLOW is a mixture of red and green. As such it has half the stimulating power of red and half the restorable power of green.  

As with all the colors, Yellow has important messages and wisdom. This color is clarity of vision. Yellow is the Sun and Light. Yellow is the creation of new ideas at the speed of light! This color is all about cutting through the fog with the creativity of the Higher Mind. Yellow inspires dreamers and “big picture” people, people who love the imagination. 

Because of these qualities, Yellow inspires philosophers and global thinkers who are curious about infinite possibilities! These folks crave heightened imagination and therefore shine light on the essence of TRUTH!

I can’t make a conclusion of course, but Yellow might have inspired this quote by Robert Kennedy ~ There are those who look at things the way they are, and ask why… I dream of things that never were, and ask why not?”

As a color therapist, I always use Yellow to enhance feelings of self-confidence and empowerment. If our mind is too active, we deplete Yellow from the body and then we lose our clarity!

Yellow and the Chakras

Yellow is associated with the third or solar plexus chakra, Manipura. Manipura means “lustrous gem”. The solar plexus is associated with the fire element and the Sun. Because of this association, Yellow is change and movement, transformation of the Self into a being of power and self-will. 

The Solar Plexus is about our power to be a unique individual while still recognizing our connection to all humanity. This area eliminates emphasis on the “tribe” or “partnership” associated with the 1st and 2nd chakras, respectively.  

The Solar Plexus is our relationship with ourselves, our self-esteem and personal power! Do we seek outside approval and acceptance or do we have our own inner strength and guidance from Divine Source. This inner strength is honed as we overcome life challenges.  

This reminds me of a quote from the movie “A Wrinkle in Time” by Disney! Mrs. Which says to Meg, “The Light Comes Through the Wound!” So beautiful!

The Healing Power of Yellow

Yellow is excellent for stimulating the nerves and the brain while repairing damaged cells at the same time. The Yellow frequency, due to its association with the Solar Plexus, stimulates and cleanses the intestinal tract, liver and skin. Yellow purifies the blood and activates and flushes the lymphatic system thereby removing toxins from the body.

Similar to Orange, Yellow is a remedy for melancholy conditions. The ancients regarded Yellow as the animating color of Life. The consciousness of Yellow helps our true self shine like the Sun!

Yellow in Nature

As with most of the colors, we receive Yellow through sunlight, through the colors of nature and through food. Nature provides Yellow through a sunrise, through the flowers of dandelions, buttercups, black eyed susans, yellow tulips, daffodils and my favorite, sunflowers! The American Goldfinch, butterflies, lions, tigers, dogs and cats carry the vibration of Yellow in their coats. Food provides Yellow through lemons, pineapple, bananas, butternut squash and yellow peppers. It’s everywhere, my friend!

These are just a few of the ways that nature provides Yellow. Take notice and observe where nature is giving you Yellow!  

Stay tuned for Green, the spirit of Evolution!