Personal Power & Wealth Consciousness

Mentor | Coach | Catalyst


The Alchemy of Blue

Blue is a very special color to me because it’s one of my Life Colors! It is the sixth color on our journey through the visible, spectral rainbow. BLUE is

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The Alchemy of Green

This is perfect timing for this fourth color on our journey through the visible, spectral rainbow. GREEN is new life, the awakening of Spring! It is a time of inner

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The Alchemy of Yellow

The third color on our journey through the visible, spectral rainbow is YELLOW, inspiration filled with infinite possibilities! Red, orange and YELLOW are called magnetic colors because they are warming,

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The Alchemy of Orange

The second color on our journey through the visible, spectral rainbow is ORANGE, the joy of being alive! This color is not hot like RED, but it is still energizing

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The Alchemy of Red

We begin our journey through the visible, spectral rainbow colors starting with the fiery color of RED! Red has the longest wavelength, the lowest frequency and the slowest vibration. This

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Mystical Gems of Truth

I put this list of mystical truths together for a workshop that I conducted in 2017! This is a summary of some of the discoveries I’ve made over an extended

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Higher Self: the cosmic self

From the physical perspective, the pineal gland, located in the middle of our head, is a tiny endocrine gland that produces melatonin for sleep, regulates our circadian rhythm and regulates

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