Personal Power & Wealth Consciousness

Mentor | Coach | Catalyst

The Unforgivable Mistake: the biggest blind spot

Revealing an Unforgivable Mistake is “Life Changing”

This costly blind spot that says, “I made an unforgivable mistake” hides in a past life event where you would agree, you “should’ve done better/known better” and reveals it for the dark and costly inner punishment it truly is. 

This BIG blind spot remains unquestioned because we believe we’re right about it. We’ve stored up piles of “evidence” on why we should have known or done better in the past. It seems smart and like the right thing to do. Also, we logically conclude “it was a lesson I needed” so I need to forget it and move on! I’m going to ignore it!

Unfortunately, the emotions underneath are still there and need to move! These perceived mistakes keep people from moving forward and taking risks. They cause freezing, perfectionism, playing small and other mysterious behaviors.  

The Painful Unforgivable Mistakes Clients have Shared

  • I should have left my marriage years earlier. I’m still paying the price.   
  • For years, I suspected my business partner was betraying me. I didn’t  listen to my intuition – I lost everything.
  • I made a huge mistake giving him thousands to pay off gambling debt.
  • Early on, I passed up a major corporate job. The cost has been high. 
  • I tried to support my family by trading in the stock market without  proper expertise. I wonder if I’ll ever recover. 
  • I regret not attending the prestigious art school that accepted me. I  was so naive.

I’ve become an expert on this blind spot because it was a big issue for me. It’s the “quicksand” underneath the surface.    

This Blind Spot Shows up in Life 

The unforgivable mistake, big or small, blocks how much we are able to love and give compassion to ourselves! So much ENERGY is suppressed in this “mistake”. This blind spot takes and takes. It shuts down how much we allow ourselves to receive in life! That includes joy and love!  

Once diagnosed and shifted, actions and experiences of the present moment get to run through the heart, instead of through the head, our wounds and our fears. That’s living from the heart my friend! It means more CHARGE, more ALIVENESS and more RECEIVING! 

How Much Do We Deeply Love Ourselves

Something is missing for so many of us as we are still walking around being incredibly hard on ourselves. Some of the most amazing, heart centered people, have never actually touched this “priceless” level of self-compassion. 

As we move into this new future, it is incredibly important to do the “real work” around the heart and challenge limits around how much we can radically love and accept ourselves.  

How much are WE allowing to flow through our system 

It’s not so much about whether our heart is open or closed. The important question to ask is, “how BIG is the channel of energy moving through our  heart”? Is there a sliver of energy running up through our energy system into our heart or is there a fire-hose of energy? 

What keeps the energy of our heart squeezed into a sliver instead of our full conscious capacity of compassion, love and wisdom? No surprise, it’s those nagging past events, wounds and vows we have accumulated in life. 

Is there an unforgivable mistake hiding in your past? Maybe you are successful in most areas of life, but, is there an area where this applies? Don’t let it take from you anymore! It’s easily diagnosed when you know what to look for!