Personal Power & Wealth Consciousness

Mentor | Coach | Catalyst

Caroline Morrison

Weaving a New Reality: the power of imagination

“Imagination creates reality. Man is all imagination.” ~ Neville Goddard

“The world is but a canvas to our imagination.” ~ Henry David Thoreau

“Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.” ~ Albert Einstein

“Everything that you are living here in this physical body, you have imagined the essence of it before you are living it.” ~ Abraham ~ Hicks

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Let Go First: the universe will fill the void with your desires

Sometimes we repress a desire simply because it has taken soooo long. We believe it’s not meant to be and it’s darn painful to think about it! But, the thing is, the past is not a guarantee of the future and it definitely doesn’t predict the future, unless we allow it to. Just ask the New England Patriots about some of their Super Bowl wins. If they believed that the first half was a predictor of the second half (all great symbolism), they wouldn’t have won those games! They shifted the energy BIG TIME!

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Make a New Year’s Revolution: why resolutions should be a thing of the past

I found myself at the beginning of 2016 deep in the thick of a complete re-branding of my website!  It has been a completely transformative process for me and right from the start, the word REVOLUTION started to appear consistently and often. And of course, when something continues to appear, there’s a message lurking and we need to pause and look at it.  And if I need to look at it, I figure others need to look at it too! 

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Minding the Mind: a belief is only a thought we keep thinking

What does this mean?  Before we get to that, I just want to say that the fairly recent incident regarding Brian Williams losing the nightly news anchor position he had for several years is the inspiration for this newsletter.  As many of you probably know, back in 2015, Brian Williams was suspended from anchoring the nightly news for six months due to misrepresenting his experiences when covering the Iraq war.  

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Holistic  Medicine : What Are The Biggest Misunderstandings?

Holistic Medicine is a totally different ballgame than Allopathic Medicine.  When you make the conscious choice to embark on the journey of holistic medicine you have to give up the idea of instant gratification.  It’s hard to make the switch, but when you do the end results are much more gratifying than you could have ever hoped for!

Holistic  Medicine : What Are The Biggest Misunderstandings? Read More »

Ayurvedic Tips for Summer Health

The heat and humidity of the summer will soon be in full swing. Although I love this beautiful time of the year, it can be a very stressful time for many people. From the Ayurvedic perspective, summer is the Pitta season. This means that the prevailing element is fire or heat. Especially for those who have a Pitta mind/body constitution, this season can bring up several concerns or symptoms of distress in the mind and body. 

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